Forecast for the center of the country
Ephemeride 07h03Sunrise 18h43Sunset Horizon
The detailed texts for the different forecasts are only available in French and in Dutch
Maximum temperatureWed12/03Thu13/03Fri14/03Sat15/03Sun16/03Mon17/03Tue18/03Wed19/03Thu20/03Fri21/03Sat22/03Sun23/03Mon24/03Tue25/030 °5 °10 °15 °20 °11°12°14°13°13°11°11°11°variable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showerspartly cloudy, drycloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, dryvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersvariable cloudiness, dryvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersForecast (°)Confidence interval (°)Climatological average (°) Minimum temperatureWed12/03Thu13/03Fri14/03Sat15/03Sun16/03Mon17/03Tue18/03Wed19/03Thu20/03Fri21/03Sat22/03Sun23/03Mon24/03Tue25/03-5 °0 °5 °10 °15 °-1°-1°variable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, rain showers, hail or snowvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showerspartly cloudy, drycloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, drypartly cloudy, dryvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersvariable cloudiness, dryvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersvariable cloudiness, risk of rain showersForecast (°)Confidence interval (°)Climatological average (°) RainfallWed12/03Thu13/03Fri14/03Sat15/03Sun16/03Mon17/03Tue18/03Wed19/03Thu20/03Fri21/03Sat22/03Sun23/03Mon24/03Tue25/030 mm5 mmPrecipitation quantity (mm)Confidence interval (mm) Average windWed12/03Thu13/03Fri14/03Sat15/03Sun16/03Mon17/03Tue18/03Wed19/03Thu20/03Fri21/03Sat22/03Sun23/03Mon24/03Tue25/030 km/h5 km/h10 km/h15 km/h5 km/h10 km/h5 km/h10 km/h10 km/h10 km/h5 km/h5 km/h5 km/h10 km/h10 km/h10 km/h10 km/h10 km/h

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